Pre-Raya Tart Nenas...

Sunday, August 21, 2011

My office mate order... Katanya her fren mengidam nak makan tart nenas... Kebetulan plak stok inti memang ada... So, ahkak buatkanlah...

XSGurl Iftar 2011...

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

We used to work in the same office... Tapi now masing2 dah moved on to another job/company, handling own business, suri rumah tangga with gaji + elaun :) Masing2 sibuk nak jumpa setahun sekali pun susah... Alhamdulillah, this year we managed to iftar together... Last minute preparation... dengan izin Allah semua boleh join kecuali sorang yang katanya berlumut kat Lumut tu... Tak pe Zuk... next time kay... InsyaAllah...

Since potluck each one of us kene bawak 1 lauk & 1 dessert... After survey... sorang nak kek coklat... sorang nak cheese cake... tart... gratin... sorang plak nak cake yang tak de cheese... Tak ke poning ahkak...

Last2... Ni ler hasil air tangan ahkak... Lasagna & choc moist cake...

Lasagna tinggal ciput baru teringat nak snap pic... Janji ado...

B4 bake pic...

Choc moist cake... Makan ler sampai lebam... Se lebam kaler kek ahkak... lol

Till next time gals... Our aim... Rumah baru Nid... Tu pun kene tunggu kontraktor turun dari kayangan... Muahaha...

Pavlova 4 Wan...

Sunday, August 07, 2011

Wan tanya ahkak amek dak order pavlova... Interested nak try katanya... Well, I said yes... Here is the outcome... Thanks for the order Wan... Glad you like the pavlova... :)

Topped with fresh cream + strawberry + kiwi...

Sendiri punya meriah ngan buah-buahan... Orang punya pun harus meriah ok... Tak gitu? :)

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