Mixed Shape Choc Pralines...

Friday, December 25, 2009

6 dozens mixed shape choc pralines order by my sil's frens...

With nutty (almond, hazel)/fruity (blueberry, strawberry)/mocha + raisin/rice bubble filling... Meriah sungguh kan? lol

Close-up pic... Had fun making them...

Choc Moist Cuppies, BB Cheese Tart & Gratin...

All order by Nida...

Choc moist cuppies with ganache & white choc drizzle topping order by Nida... One of my pioneer and regular customer of choc moist cake... 1st time order cuppies... Hope you like the cuppies sis... :)

30 pieces of bb blueberry & kiwi cheese tart...

1 set of gratin... Combination of macaroni + prawn + mushroom + carrot + black pepper + mozarella cheese... Yummyyyy...

Close-up sket... lol

No. 2 Shaped Choc Moist Cake...

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

2kg no. 2 shaped choc moist cake with ganache & fresh strawberries topping order by Sue (lunatots)...

1st time bake & deco no. 2 shaped cake... Nasib baik tak ter'peleot' (terkehel) leher nomot 2 tu... hahaha...

Hope you and your family like the cake Sue...

Cokey Production...

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Ingat kilang je ke ade production... Homemade pun ade production tau... lol

Lolly-chocs order by my sil's frens... 2 with strawberry filling & 2 with crunch peanut filling... Sifu ajar tak taruk filling... Sukatik je taruk filling... Improvised beb ikut kreativiti kite...

3 dozens of mixed choc pralines with nutty/fruity filling order by sil's frens jugak...

Tested my new crown, love & shell moulds... I loike...

Choc Pralines... Individual Pack...

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Individual Pack Promotion... Choose any shape below (nutty/fruity filling) for only RM1.00 each... Minimum order 20 pieces... Price is less for order more than 100 pieces...

Birthday Cake 4 My Bro...

Peach layered sponge cake... 1st time deco with whipping cream... Sungguh mencabar kesabaran...

Side view... Belasah je...

Happy 35th birthday bro... :) Cake ni masih lagi di Bangi... Esok jelah cake cutting ya adikku? Tak sempat nak balik kg ari nih... Haha...

Cheesy Order...

Friday, December 11, 2009

Repeat peach cheese mania order by Azie...

Close-up pic... Can you see the peach chunks inside the cake? :)

10 mixed blueberry/strawberry bb cheese tart order by WL for her mom... So sweet of her... Actually I'm not taking anymore order but when she mentioned for her mom tak sampai hati nak say no... Tapi 10 ketul jelah acik sempat buat... :)


Thursday, December 10, 2009

1 set of prawn + carrot + mushroom gratin de macaroni order by Roza...

Close-up pic... Harap2 memenuhi cita rasa orang yang meng'order' :)

Order 09/12/2009...

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

50 tarts order by PY (20 pure cheese no topping & 30 with blueberry topping)...

1 dozen mixed filling choc pralines & 30 mixed topping tarts order by Reen. Pic tarts tak sempat nak snap cause out of the oven, baru nak susun dalam bekas "ting tong" dia dah sampai depan rumah... Langsung tak ingat nak snap pic...

Special Introductory Promotion...

Saturday, December 05, 2009

Special promotion 4 cokey lovers... Thinking of getting a gift for your loved ones or frens? This range of homey pralines is packed nicely as presents for different occasions (birthday gift, hantaran 4 wedding, door gift, token of appreciation etc)...

1. Non-color pralines - couverture choc...
2. Color pralines - compound choc...
3. Shape shown only rose & leave. Other shape available - crown, love, shell & rectangle. U can mix and match different shape up to your liking as long as the quantity of pralines and shapes (color/non-color) is the same as shown in pics below...
4. Boxes with more number of pralines also available upon request...
5. No minimum order...
6. Promotion valid for a limited time only...

2-in-1 mixed chocs with nutty/fruity filling...

With cover & ribbon...

2-in-1 (box) mixed chocs with nutty/fruity filling... Ver 1

With cover & ribbon...

2-in-1 (box) mixed chocs with nutty/fruity filling... Ver 2

With cover & ribbon...

3-in-1 (box) mixed chocs with nutty/fruity filling... Ver 1

With cover & ribbon...

3-in-1 (box) mixed chocs with nutty/fruity filling... Ver 2

With cover & ribbon...

4-in-1 (box) mixed chocs with nutty/fruity filling...

With cover & ribbon...

5-in-1 mixed chocs with nutty/fruity filling...

With cover (no ribbon)...

9-in-1 (box) mixed chocs with nutty/fruity filling...

With cover & ribbon...

Blueberry Marble Cheese Brownies...

Order by Zarina for her department's family day... Jeles je dorang ade family day... ITIS tak dak pung...

Out of oven... Time ni cuak je nak flip the brownies takut blueberry topping rosak... Testing my creativity level at decorating... Ni ler hasilnya... Cam lukis corak inai kat tangan plak ek? Hahaha...

Successfully flipped the brownies without spoiling the topping deco...

Cut into small pieces as requested.... Tak kecik tak beso kan? Dapat 42 pieces...

Side view...

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